Here’s 7 Ways A Massage Membership Will Help You Destress And Relax
Did you know that 80% of Americans are afflicted by stress? No matter where it comes from, stress can be debilitating. Studies indicate that it is linked to the six leading causes of death!
Luckily, healthy solutions to stressful lifestyles do exist. One of these is to experience massage regularly. Consistent massage therapy can be your secret to effective, long-term stress management.
In this post, we discuss the ways that a massage membership can help you de-stress and deeply relax. Keep reading for insight!
Memberships Help You Take Care of You
Why a Membership: Don’t let day to day life stop you from regular self-care.
About Our Memberships:
We have expert massage therapists and use top of the line products. Learn more about our unique massage membership options and perks.
1. Alleviate Symptoms of Depression
322 million people around the world struggle with depression. Depression can be crippling, and stress can easily induce feelings of despondency, dejection, and hopelessness.
When we are stressed, our body releases cortisol, a prominent stress hormone. High levels of cortisol have been associated with both anxiety disorders and depression.
Stress can also influence your brain, modifying the activity of neurotransmitters and impacting your mood. Abnormal levels of serotonin, for example, can change the body’s tolerance for pain. This means that depressed individuals may experience physical and emotional pain more acutely!
What does a massage membership have to do with all of this?
A massage membership gives you regular exposure to massage therapy. Massage therapy can directly alleviate symptoms of depression.
This is because one massage reduces cortisol levels in the body by about 30%. It boosts serotonin levels by nearly the same amount. Imagine what a full massage membership can do with these statistics!

2. Improve Sleep Cycles
Stress often impacts sleep cycles, which is unfortunate–we need consistent, healthy sleep in order to be our best selves. Stress of any kind can cause insomnia or lead to what’s called hyperarousal when the body loses its capacity to sink into a deep, restful sleep.
You may find that when you are stressed, you wake up a lot in the middle of the night. This may not feel too detrimental at the moment. Over time, however, broken sleep cycles can prevent you from enjoying regular REM sleep.
Rapid Eye Movement (REM) sleep is a sleep phase characterized by deep dreaming and faster breathing. It’s vital for memory formation and the body’s production of proteins.
If you aren’t getting that REM sleep, you may be feeling fatigued, depressed, and doubly stressed!
This is where massage comes in. Massage dramatically improves sleep quality, mainly as a result of its capacity to reduce stress, anxiety, and depression.
We also need serotonin to enjoy a restful sleep. As we’ve already discussed, regular massages increase the body’s production of serotonin by nearly 30%!
3. Lower Blood Pressure
High blood pressure can put anyone at risk for blood clots, stroke, and heart disease. Unfortunately, 1 in 3 American adults (75 million individuals) has hypertension.
You guessed it–stress can contribute all too easily to hypertension. Even if you usually have low blood pressure, stress can spike your pressure readings dramatically.
If you struggle with an anxiety disorder, you may be even more prone to experiencing hypertension. Massage, however, can minimize your risk of cardiovascular issues down the road by lowering your blood pressure.
Studies indicate that hands-on touch alone can reduce blood pressure. (That’s why it’s so important to give hugs!)
Massages provide restorative human touch likely to increase the body’s production of oxytocin, a hormone that assists in relaxation. This can also reduce heart rates.
4. Boost Your Immune System
Stress often places our bodies in “fight or flight” mode. This survivalist state can drain energy supplies in no time.
What’s more, consistent stress can tax your immune system, putting you at risk for illness and disease.
You can fortify your immune system in many natural ways. For example, you can get a lot of immune-boosters through food, herbal supplements, and healthy sleep.
Regular massage can also boost your immune system and reduce your risk of illness. This is because massage can promote an increase in the production of white blood cells. White blood cells are vital for fending off infection.
5. Reduce Financial Anxiety
Does looking at your credit card statement give you heart palpitations? Do you spend a lot of time worrying about how you’ll be able to pay all of those bills?
Financial anxiety is an often-overlooked form of stress that thousands of individuals experience daily. If you suffer from financial anxiety, you may be wary about investing in a massage session or anything likely to support your physical and mental well-being.
This is entirely understandable. With a massage membership, however, you give yourself long-term exposure to all of the benefits in this post, and often at a discounted, affordable rate.
What’s more, many memberships provide discounts on other therapeutic services. At Mountainside Spa, for example, we offer members a 50% discount on add-on therapies.
Memberships are the cost-effective means of getting the long-term therapy you need to live a stressless lifestyle.
6. Minimize Digestive Issues
Fight-or-flight mode can negatively impact our digestive system. It often causes the esophagus to spasm and leads to the production of additional stomach acid.
In some cases, stressful situations can cause nausea and constipation. When our bellies are unhappy, it can be difficult to get anything done or even find a solution. Massage, however, can help!
Massage can gently stimulate your digestive organs, enabling easier digestion. It can also promote the healthy function of your small intestine, encouraging fat absorption.
If you consistently struggle with digestion, try a massage membership on for size. Regular massage therapy can, over time, improve your digestive system’s capacity to process foods effectively.
7. Target Pain
Stress can lead to chronic pain. It can also exacerbate symptoms of existing chronic pain.
If you’re tired of headaches, backaches, and general body pain, a massage membership is exactly what you need for long-term pain management. Massage’s capacity to stimulate the production of serotonin is vital, as this hormone assists in pain management.
Massage also promotes healthy circulation, enabling your aching muscles to get the nutrients and oxygen they need to combat pain. Massage therapists are also likely to tailor individual massages to your pain management needs!
The Benefits of a Massage Membership
A massage membership can help you get closer to a stress-free lifestyle. Regular massage can alleviate symptoms of depression and anxiety. It can also improve your immunity, limit financial anxiety, and lower blood pressure.
Experiencing these benefits with one massage alone is possible. Yet a membership is designed to help you effectively manage your stress in the long-term! If you’re ready to harness the amazing benefits of massage, a membership beckons. Click below to sign up for your massage membership!