How Massage Therapy Relieves Stress
Summer is finally over, and the kids are back in school, parents can rejoice and take a breath! Now that you finally have a moment to yourself, take a time out and recover yourself from a summer that flew by in a snap. Massage therapy relieves stress, improves health, boosts energy levels, improves sleep and most importantly helps you “adult better.”
We know that back to school shopping can wreak havoc on the wallet, so we created some amazing deals so that you can pamper yourself and save a bit! We are here to benefit you and your health. Massage, facials and a spa retreat for yourself, friends and co-workers is incredibly rewarding, beneficial in multiple ways for your health and quite honestly, you deserve it. You work hard, deal with the daily stresses of life and take on each day like a champion. We want to help you take a load off, relax and enjoy your reward to yourself for doing what you do. Our expert therapists can whisk you away on a journey of luxury and relaxation without breaking the bank.

We also want to make sure that you know about the amazing memberships we offer, just for $65 a month! The membership includes one sixty-minute treatment a month with the option of more treatments at $1 per minute. With this fantastic membership, you will also get 50% off any treatments we offer, as well as 10% off our retail products. We offer 12-month and 6-month membership packages. Monthly pampering and saving money? What are you waiting for?
We also offer another type of membership that is even more amazing in value. Our family memberships, part of our family wellness program, for $130 and you will get even more with this package; one 60-minute massage and one 50-minute organic facial per month along with the 50% off treatments and 10% off retail. Unused sessions rollover and NEVER expire. Take advantage today because you deserve to pamper yourself!
What are the benefits to having a membership with Mountainside Spa?
Not only will this fit right into your budget, but it will also give you the peace of mind knowing every month you will receive a pampering and relaxing massage and/or facial to help you take on the world and alleviate the stress that the real-world and adult-ing bring on. You can save money on our fantastic skincare products by Eminence Organic Skincare as well as receive discounts on any extra treatments.
At Mountainside Spa in Holladay, Utah we are here to help you be your best self, live your best life and help you feel ready to take on anything. Our experts will help you feel relaxed, energized and happier with the best massage therapy in Utah.
Don’t delay, contact us today and ask about our luxurious treatments and amazing memberships today! Take advantage of booking online through our website, or call us on the phone. We are here to help you live your best life!