How to Properly Exfoliate
There are many benefits of facial exfoliation, but you need to do it properly. This guide on natural exfoliation shows how to properly exfoliate.
If you have clogged pores and you look a little less radiant, you don’t have to hate your skin. There are natural ways to refresh the skin and make it look like porcelain again.
It may be time to look into natural exfoliation.
Our Favorite Products
If you’re unsure what product to start with, use our Stone Crop Oxygenating Fizzofoliant. This powder-to-foam vegan exfoliant is also soy, nut, and gluten-free. The best part is that it’s safe for teens and adults.
Exfoliation helps prevent acne, which leaves dark spots in the face when it heals. When you exfoliate, you unclog your pores, reducing the chance of white and blackheads. You also energize oxygen-rich blood under the skin by stimulating lymphatic drainage.
When this happens, the skin goes through a detoxification process that boosts cellular health. The result is glowing, beautiful skin.
There are many other benefits of facial and body exfoliation, but you need to do it properly. This guide on natural exfoliation shows how to exfoliate properly.

Choose the Right One to Complete the Natural Exfoliation Process
Not all exfoliants are created equal. Natural ingredients in exfoliants are better for the health of the skin.
Your cell turnover slows down after the age of 30, which is why women need to exfoliate. However, what product you exfoliate with makes a huge difference.
Natural ingredients in exfoliants are more humectant. They provide the proper amount of moisture for the skin while removing dead skin cells. Natural exfoliants also keep skin hydrated, which is perfect for people with sensitive skin.
It’s a great start to unclogging your pores and preventing acne.
How to Exfoliate (Application With Circular Motions)
Exfoliating isn’t hard and doesn’t take all day. It’s also not something you have to let sit on the skin overnight. Let’s run through it.
1. Rub the skin down with your favorite beautifying oil from face to toes. If you have fragile capillaries, the oil helps to protect them during exfoliation.
2. Take your brush, sponge, or glove and gently brush the skin from top to bottom. Don’t use long, heavy strokes. Keep them light and short.
3. Without turning on the water, step into the shower and apply a natural exfoliant to the skin. Remember, your skin isn’t wood, and you’re not using sandpaper. Apply the scrub in a slow, circular, gentle motion, starting at the toes.
Keep this pace until every part of the body you want to exfoliate gets covered.
4. Turn the water on lukewarm. Slowly rinse the scrub off. Refrain from scrubbing or wiping the skin as you rinse. Use it as a time to destress. Let the water work.
After you’ve rinsed the scrub off, use a soft towel, and pat your skin dry. It may take a minute, but it’s essential to be gentle with the skin after a scrub. Apply a moisturizer of your liking.
If it’s your first time exfoliating, try it once a week. Advance after your skin gets used to exfoliating.
Our Favorite Products
If you’re unsure what product to start with, use our Stone Crop Oxygenating Fizzofoliant. This powder-to-foam vegan exfoliant is also soy, nut, and gluten-free. The best part is that it’s safe for teens and adults.
Use it not only to exfoliate but to revitalize, invigorate, and remove impurities from the skin.
We also encourage using the Strawberry Rhubarb Dermafoliant. This award-winning exfoliant uses rice powder to absorb excess oil while removing unnecessary dead skin cells.
Look After Your Skin
Natural exfoliation is a safe way to keep the skin looking young. If your skin needs a boost, consider these steps. Begin the mission for radiant skin.
Want to get started with a skin regime today? Shop our Eminence Line of Natural Exfoliants today.